Licensing information if you wish to produce this show
A Usenet post from 1995 of the lyrics of many of the songs with notes about actions from the libretto of this show.
Lyrics for 3 unrecorded tom lehrer songs. (not from TOMFOOLERY)
Ok, I'm not sure what this is, it does have someone describing staging for Tom Foolery, but I can't figure out who.
A Conversation with Tom Lehrer
Tom Lehrer : The Political Musician That Wasn't
New York Times Article (good photos)
Irreverence is easy - what's hard is wit! Talking with Tom Lehrer on the Remains of Tom Lehrer
Boxing Tom Lehrer - an interview
Tom Lehrer for President
More about Cameron Mackintosh
The Discography of Tom Lehrer
DRZ's Tom Lehrer Site